Carters Make Mounts-2

For Every Picture there is a Carters Mount

Carters picture mounts solve the ever present, sleep depriving tricky problem of “how to” present paintings,prints and photographs in a professional way to gently persuade customers to buy from you.

More often than not these images are photographs or paintings that you have spent hours over. With photographs the questions nag away everything good .. the angle, the colour, is it the right subject.. you never really know. With a painting it’s the same, hours spent working the detail, getting the colour just right, nights of coffee and Woodbines just you and the dog with every sane person in the house tucked up in bed and then that final moment of “finish”.. Then in the morning after a night’s sleep you always always add that tiny bit more…the final detail..

So after the Agony and the Ecstasy down to earth with a bump… how to present your masterpiece(s)… we came in at this point..”For Every Picture there is a Carters Mount

Specialised Mount Folders

Carters Mounts are one of the UK’s leading specialist manufacturers of slip-in folders

Promote Brand Awareness

Carters solve the problem of how to promote “brand awareness” at national events, conferences and major sporting events. With inserted images of the day this provides a vehicle for “feel good” memories of the day and brand awareness.

Unique Slip-In Photo Struts

Carters Mounts also manufacture a unique concept of slip in photo struts

Hot Foil Printing

Many of these are hot foil branded and are used for schools, institutions and in Carters case by Buckingham Palace, St James’s, Clarence House and Windsor Castle.

Go to Carters.

Finally at the end of these main areas of work is David Carter who possibly is “the man to go to” if you have a particular requirement for assemblies, slip in folders, slip in struts or would like a chat about all things equine. Contact David on 015395 32815 or 07795964234 or simply e mail More than happy to help.

Carters sister company is Carters Product Photography

Carters Slip In Folder for Newmarket

Carters Cream slip-in-strut

Carters Double Folder Golf

David Carter 015395 32815 or EM

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